Used Leica Equipment – March 8, 2025

Here’s an updated list of our current used Leica equipment for sale as of March 8, 2025. Our current full list of used inventory is always available on Bergen County Camera’s used equipment page. Our used equipment lists update each week on Saturday morning. If you would like to receive our full list weekly, you can sign up here. If you are looking for something, just let us know, and we’ll let you know when we find it for you. You can reach us by phone: 201-664-4113. As a full Leica Boutique, we have great resources to help with anything Leica.

Read more to check out our current inventory of available pre-owned Leica gear as of March 8, 2025!

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Used Leica Equipment – March 1, 2025

Here’s an updated list of our current used Leica equipment for sale as of March 1, 2025. Our current full list of used inventory is always available on Bergen County Camera’s used equipment page. Our used equipment lists update each week on Saturday morning. If you would like to receive our full list weekly, you can sign up here. If you are looking for something, just let us know, and we’ll let you know when we find it for you. You can reach us by phone: 201-664-4113. As a full Leica Boutique, we have great resources to help with anything Leica.

Read more to check out our current inventory of available pre-owned Leica gear as of March 1, 2025!

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Previously owned Leica for Sale

Here’s a list of our current used Leica equipment for sale. Our current used inventory is always available on Bergen County Camera’s used equipment page. If you would like to receive our full list weekly you can sign up here. If you are looking for something, just let us know, and we’ll let you know when we find it for you.

As a full Leica Boutique we have great resources to help with anything Leica. Give us a call at 201-664-4113, or stop by our boutique in Westwood.



 299590  Leica Digilux 3 w/14-50 B/C Ex  849.99
 953994  Leica IIf 787x CLA Ex-  279.99
 305007  Leica IIIb ’38 283xxx CLA Exc-  299.99
 109471  Leica IIIC 480XXX CLAd BGN  249.99
 287025  Leica IIIf RD 657- ’53 CLA E+  379.99
 305008  Leica L 50/2.0 Summitar CLA E+  399.99
 305227  Leica M 135/2.8 M3 2152x Bx E+  399.99
 323273  Leica M 135/3.4 APO-Telyt Exc+  2,499.99
 314850  Leica M 135/4.0 T-E Cps/Hd Ex+  399.99
 323274  Leica M 16-18-21 Tri-Elmar Ex+  4,499.99
 268616  Leica M 18/3.8 Asph Bx/Cd Demo  2,999.99
 323248  Leica M 28/2.0 Asph Cp/Hd Exc+  1,999.99
 323275  Leica M 28-35-50 Tri-Elmar Ex+  3,999.99
 323249  Leica M 35/1.4 Asph FLE Hd Ex+  3,499.99
 173309  Leica M 35/3.5-L CLAd Exc+  349.99
 240893  Leica M 400/6.8 Viso Exc+  399.99
 322365  Leica M 50/1.4 v1 Chr Exc+  899.99
 323271  Leica M 50/2.0 APO-Asph Bx Ex+  5,999.99
 308259  Leica M 75/2.5 S’rit 6b Hd Ex+  999.99
 322353  Leica M 75/2.5 S’rit Demo  799.99
 312222  LEICA M 75F2.5 SUMMARIT EX+  799.99
 323272  Leica M 90/2.0 APO-Asph Cps E+  2,199.99
 322354  Leica M 90/2.5 S’rit w/Hd Demo  849.99
 312221  LEICA M 90/2.8ELMARIT(e46)EX+  995.00
 310023  Leica M 90/4.0 Macro w/Fndr E+  1,899.99
 265796  Leica M E46 UV/IR Blk Exc+  149.99
 265798  Leica M E60 UV/IR Blk Exc+  179.99
 323278  Leica M MultiFunction Grip Ex+  599.99
 288619  Leica M Pol 13352 A42 Bgn  49.99
 265797  Leica M SerVII UV/IR Blk Exc+  159.99
 319072  Leica M Univ. Pol 13356 Exc+  199.99
 203600  Leica M Viso II +Fndr,OTZFO Ex  179.99
 106242  Leica M Visoflex II Exc-  199.99
 301600  Leica M/Novoflex M43 Adptr Ex+  99.99
 323246  Leica M240 24mp Bt/Ch/Bx Exc+  3,999.99
 317330  Leica M3 Chr 921- CLA Exc+  899.99
 296828  Leica M3 SS 1058x CLA Exc  999.99
 320858  Leica M6 .85x Blk -Rare- Exc-  1,199.99
 310019  Leica M6TTL .58x Blk Grp E+  1,549.99
 265779  Leica M7 .72 Black Mint  3,999.99
 310020  Leica M7 .72x Blk w/Grip Ex+  1,699.99
 288610  Leica M7 Body .72x Black Exc-  1,499.99
 312809  Leica M8 10mp 4k CLAd Bt/Ch E+  1,299.99
 319067  Leica M9 18mp 3k Grp/Bt/Ch Exc  2,999.99
 319390  LEICA M9 HANDGRIP BLACK  125.00
 319389  LEICA M9 HANDGRIP BLACK EX+  125.00
 319066  Leica MP .85 Black CLA Exc+  2,499.99
 323247  Leica M-P240 24mp Bt/Ch/Bx Ex+  4,499.99
 305255  Leica R 135/2.8 2cm Cps Exc  249.99
 264118  Leica R 24/2.8 Elmarit 3cam E+  599.99
 320860  Leica R 35/2.8 3cm CLA Cps Ex+  699.99
 307745  Leica R 35-70/4.0 ROM Cps Exc+  999.99
 322364  Leica R 50/2.0 2cm Black Exc  179.99
 202097  Leica R 75-200/4.5 3cam Cps E+  249.99
 309710  Leica R 90/2.0 3cam CLA Exc  649.99
 865845  Leica R Ext Tube 3-CAM W/BX E+  79.99
 264122  Leica R Extender 2x R-only Ex+  299.99
 932460  Leica R Extender-R 2X W/CPS E+  199.99
 315719  LEICA S TYPE 006 BODY LN-  6,999.99
 972137  Leica SF24D Flash Gray Ex-  129.99
 323277  Leica SF24D TTL Flash Bx Exc+  179.99
 323276  Leica SF58 TTL Flash Bx Exc+  399.99
 689542  Leica SL2 Eveready Case Mint  99.99
 114833  Leica Viso II Housing Only Ex+  99.99
 297950  Leica X2 16mp 24/2.8 Bt/Ch Ex+  999.99
 307746  Leica/Bogner X2 Case Blk Exc+  79.99
 121640  Leicaflex SL Body CHR AsIs  149.99
 297793  Leicaflex SL Body Chr Exc+  249.99
 994415  Leicaflex SL Body SIL ASIS  149.99